Each 60 minute class begins with a fun warm up and stretch, followed by scheduled rotations to vault, beam, floor and air track. In every session we work on increasing strength, body control, flexibility, confidence and coordination whilst working towards the British Gymnastics badges. Gymnasts will be grouped according to skill level and age.
Jon Mutch
Lead Coach - Tuesday
Laura Kaletha
Coach - Tuesday
Lily Kenney
Coach - Tuesday
Ben Gandy
Coach - Tuesday
Amara Tapson
Lead Coach - Thursday
Tia Chapman
Coach - Thursday
Jon Sansome
Coach - Thursday
Madison Allen
Coach - Thursday
Rob Payne
Lead Coach - Saturday
Ben Sturgess
Coach - Saturday
Reuben Fasham
Coach - Saturday
Amelia Fasham
Coach - Saturday
To join, please email Heidi at info-mh@oadbygymnastics.co.uk
Children will be added to our waiting list if we do not have space in our sessions.
Gymnasts can wear a t-shirt or leotard with shorts or leggings.
Classes run for 44 weeks of the year. The gym is closed for 6 weeks during the summer holidays and 2 weeks for Christmas. Fees are spread out over the entire year (52 weeks) to keep payments equal each month, so fees are still due during the summer and Christmas break. Classes run as normal during bank holidays and half term breaks.